Error 9, a section cannot be embroidered if it doesn’t contain a path or a twin path. Add a path or a twin path to this section, then retry.
Error 8, the begin and the end of the section are on two different parts which are not connected together. Move the begin and the end nearer to one another, then retry.
Error 7, I don’t understand this direction line. It looks like there’s no connection between its head and its tail. You may need more direction lines.
Error 6, I don’t understand exactly where the direction line should intersect the outline of its section. Move the direction line closer to the outline, then retry.
Error 5, this direction line does not intersect the outline path of the section on both its head and its tail. Move the direction, then retry.
Error 4, this section is too complicated for me. You should try to divide the section in smaller and easier parts. Sorry! %d
Error 3, I need a direction line in order to apply a satin or a fill effect to a section. Add one or more direction lines to this section, then retry.
Error 2, you should have at least a closed path or a twin path in a section if you want to fill it. Add a closed path to this section, then retry.
Error 1, an error occoured while calculating the stitches. Check the outlines, the effect, the available memory, the begin and the end, then retry.